Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Falmouth, Penryn and West Cornwall and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 22/12/2024 @ 0:28:10].

Agents/Landlords Currently Advertising
Last Update: 22/12/2024 @ 0:28:10

ReferenceName / Company
FALA427Mrs Mary Connor
FALA794CRM Students
FALA722CRM Students Ltd
FALA780Mr James Godden
FALA626Grants Property Solutions Ltd
FALA573Harcourt White
FALA585Katera Properties Ltd
FALA622Ms Patricia Knight
FALA803Lang Llewellyn & Co
FALA786Mr Gary Marshall
FALA797Raze the Roof
FALA73Mr Marc Redgrave
FALA811 S Sheehan
FALA333Mrs Lillian Simmons
FALA812Mr Tim Strasman